WALT: Use adjectives to describe a story setting
We have been reading the Marvellous Moon Map. Children in P1A had to think of describing words to describe the moon and the story setting. Mrs O’Hare collated all of our answers on post-its. Well done P1!
WALT: Recap on our sounds.
P1A have taken part in multi-sensory activities this week to recap on the sounds they have learned so far
WALT: Identify syllables in winter themed words
We have been working really hard on our syllables in P1A. In this activity, children had to pick up a snowball and clap out the syllables in the words written on it. The children had to throw their snowball into the hoop that corresponded the correct number of syllable's.
In P1A, we have been working very hard on our rhyming words. Based on our book, ‘The Leaf Man’, children had to identify words that rhyme with man
Based on our book focus, ‘The Leaf Man’, children created their own leaf characters. Children had to talk about their characters, describing what they might do and how they might speak.
This week, the focus has been on the ‘h’ sound. Children have been working on a variety of activities to develop their phonic awareness. In this activity, children had to sort three sounds they have been working on recently by identifying the sound, identifying it as an initial sound and writing the sound.
Children in P1A have been working on rhyme words. We created a rhyme a wall based on the Humpty Dumpty sequel, ‘After the fall’. Children had to identify what words that rhymed with fall and stack them on the wall
In literacy skills, we have been focusing on the book ‘We’re all wonders’. We have been talking about the character of Auggie and how he is different. As a class, we had a discussion about what makes us different from each other. Children then discussed (in groups) how to describe Auggie.
In literacy skills this week, we read the book ‘We’re all wonders’. For the talking and listening activity, we talked about how we can show kindness to everyone. Mrs O’Hare wrote down our ideas on how to be kind. We were given kindness cards to give out to someone we thought could use a little kindness
On Thursday it was National Poetry Day. To celebrate this, children in P1A wrote a class poem based on the theme of ‘counting’. A focus in term 1 is rhyme and for this task, children had to find the correct rhyming word for the poem. We also played a rhyming game to get children to start thinking about rhymes.
This week, children have been learning all about road safety. Mrs O’Hare showed a video of Supercat and how he teaches children to cross the road using his Supercat Rap. Children then sequenced the story of Supercat and sequenced the events of crossing the road.
To further our understanding of crossing the road, children created their own zebra crossings using paint. We them wen outside to listen to a crossing the road song. During the song, children had to listen for the words ‘stop, look and listen’ and make the corresponding sign.
This week, we having been focusing on our ‘t’ sound. One of the activities this week was a sound hunt for things beginning with ‘t’ 🌳 The sound hunt took us all around the school and we even managed to get a cuddle with one of Mrs Oakes’ teddy bears
This week, our focus has been on our ‘a’ sound, and our tricky words. P1A have made fantastic attempts to spell out some tricky words and have been using multi-sensory activities to learn the ‘a’ sound
We are learning how to write our name ✏️ We have been using play-doh which helps to develop our fine motor skills
In P1A, we have been focusing on our ‘S’ sound. We have been practicing writing our sound using sand, foam, magnetic letters and paint. These activities also help to develop our fine motor skills!
In P1A, we have been developing our talking and listening skills. We have had great discussions about our favourite things. Through this, we have been developing our communication skills while also getting to know our school friends!