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🌟WALT: identify words beginning with the h sound 🌟

🐐πŸ§₯ WALT: identify rhyming words πŸπŸ§₯

After reading ‘After the Fall,’ we revisited our previous learning on rhyming words and completed a group activity identifying words that rhymed with ‘fall.’ 

❄️ WALT: identify the number of syllables within a word β„️

Our story this week was, ‘Jack Frost’ and we were so excited to see some real frost outside this week too! ❄️ Our focus was to identify syllables within a word. We completed a number of activities as a whole class to develop our understanding finished with a small group activity. We had some paper ‘snowballs’ with Winter words written on them. We chose one and Ms Vaughan read the word out loud. We had to then decide as a group how many syllables were within the word and throw the snowball into the correct hoop. This was a great way to identify syllables and incorporate some movement.

πŸŽƒ WALT: sequence the process of how to carve a pumpkin using key vocabulary πŸŽƒ

We participated in a group guided writing session using our key vocabulary of - first, next, then and finally. As a whole class, we sequenced our photographs into the correct order based on our own experiences of carving a pumpkin. We then used the numbers to help us order the key words and identified sounds we knew while Ms Vaughan read the words. Each one of use was given a key word and we wrote it on our whiteboards before we put ourselves into the correct order below the sequenced pictures. Ms Vaughan was very impressed with our writing as we have been working so hard on our pencil skills! ✏️


🌟WALT: sequence events related to road safety🌟

In our writing this term we are focusing on the elements of recount writing. Our main focus in P1 is developing the ability to sequence and order events. This week we did this around the theme of road safety. We read ‘Super Cat’s Road Safety’ story and worked in pairs to sequence the story correctly. We also learnt about the Green Cross Code and sequenced the key message of - stop, look, listen and think. As a fun activity to reinforce this message we made our own zebra crossings and in response to a song we stopped at our zebra crossings and sang along to the key words of ‘if you want to keep everybody safe then, stop, look, listen, think.’


🐍🍎WALT: recognise the s and a sound πŸŽπŸ

We have started our phonics journey by exploring the s and a sound using the Jolly Phonics programme. We have been working on recognising the sound, writing it and playing games to help develop our ability to identify words that begin with the target sound.


✏️WALT: recognise and write our name✏️

🍬🍭 WALT: explore the stories of Roald Dahl πŸ­πŸ¬

We began Roald Dahl day with an assembly delivered by Ms Flanagan. She explained that Roald Dahl was an author who wrote many famous stories and someone who is famous for his imagination and humour. In class we focused on the story of ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.’ Ms Vaughan read a chapter from the novel describing the chocolate room and we closed our eyes to imagine what that might be like. We then watched a clip from the classic movie where Gene Wilder sang ‘Pure Imagination’ to see what our visualisations could become. This led to a lot of discussion about designing our own ‘chocolate rooms’ and what sweets we would like to include. We completed a carousel of activities based on the story.

1. Designing our own chocolate wrapper.

2. Making AB patterns with sweets.

3. Using multi-link to make our own everlasting gobstoppers.

4. Pencil control.

5. Building our own chocolate factory.


πŸ—£οΈ WALT: take turns, listen & respond to simple questions about me πŸ—£οΈ

Our focus was to take turns and listen to others when they were responding to a question. We were asked questions about ourselves - what is your favourite colour? What do you want to be when you grow up and why? What is your favourite animal? What is your favourite thing to do/play with? When we were listening to our friends we could also put up our hands to ask them questions. This was a great activity for developing our talking & listening skills, building confidence and getting to know each other.