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We met a children's author during National Story Telling Week!

Ending Sounds in CVC Words

We took part in a fun ABL activity today where we had to find the correct ending sound to spell a range of CVC words. When we found the correct letter, we squirted it with a spray bottle! 

Regular Plural Nouns

Children in Primary 2 were learning all about singular and plural nouns and enjoyed this interactive game where they had to find the noun. If there was more than one we learned that we have to add an 's' onto the end. This is really going to help us with our reading and writing in the future!

Rhyming Words

The children in P2 have been learning all about rhyming words. Today they saw two pictures on the interactive board and said them out loud. If they sounded same then we worked with our partner to colour in the thumbs up and if they words did not sound the same then they chose the thumbs down image! Rhyming can be tricky, but the boys and girls in P2 have worked so hard to master identifying rhyming words!

Jolly Phonics: Vv, Ww, Xx, Yy

As usual Primary Two enthusiastically participated in activities relating to their sounds of the week. This week learning included:

  • Identifying pictures beginning with Vv. E.g. vegetables, violin and vest.
  • Searcing for Ww in water-beads and writing on the windows!
  • Creating a treasure map and marking marks the spot.
  • Using yellow play dough to practise forming the letter Yy.

Fantastic work P2!

Jolly Phonics: Bb, Jj Zz 

As usual Primary Two enthusiastically participated in activities relating to their sounds of the week, Bb, Jj and Zz. This week learning included:

  • Using bears and bees to form our letter Bb.
  • Forming Jj with jellybeans.
  • Making our Zz with zebra print.

Fantastic work P2!

Syllable Spin

Primary Two enjoyed exploring syllables this week with a fun picture game! Syllables are the beats of words. The children took it in turns to spin the number spinner which could land on 1,2,3 or 4. They then worked together to cover a picture with that amount of syllables. The boys and girls clapped and ‘chin bumped’ the syllables to help them work out how many syllables were in each word. Well done! 

Jolly Phonics: Uu, Ll, Ff

P2 enjoyed exploring our Uu, Ll and Ff sounds this week by:

  • Using umbrellas to form the letter u.
  • Forming Ll with leaves.
  • Using flowers to form Ff.

Well done Primary Two!πŸ‘

Jolly Phonics: Dd, Gg, Oo

This week P2 explored their Jolly Phonics sounds, Dd, Gg, Oo and Uu through a range of fun, practical

activities. Their learning included:

  • Finding pictures that begin with Gg. E.g. ghost, girl, gorilla, glasses
  • Forming letter o using Cheerios.
  • using umbrellas to write Uu in our sand trays.

Well done P2! 

Independent Write: How to Carve a Pumpkin πŸŽƒ

This week P2 showcased their learning on instructions by writing their own independent pieces on how to carve a pumpkin. To help them, the children enjoyed carving their very own pumpkin. If you would like to carve your own pumpkin P2 suggest you should:

1. Cut the top of the pumpkin off.

2. Scoop the inside of pumpkin out.

3. Carve a scary face!

4. Put a candle in and light it.

Well done!

National Poetry Day!

Jolly Phonics: Hh, Rr, Mm 

Primary Two worked brilliantly this week to investigate our sounds! Some of our learning included:

  • Forming Rr on rainbows.
  • Forming the letter Mm using money!
  • Using dice and dinosaurs to create our Dd letter.

Great job P2!

πŸ₯ͺThe Disgusting Sandwich πŸ₯ͺ

Primary Two read a very funny story this week about a very hungry badger who follows a very disgusting sandwich through the park. Taking inspiration from the book, the children worked in pairs to create their very own disgusting sandwiches. The boys and girls worked brilliantly together to produce some truly disgusting sandwiches! We then used our speaking and listening skills to present our sandwiches to the class using describing words. Some of the words used by P2 included, ‘horrible’ and ‘awful.’ Well done P2!

Jolly Phonics: Cc,Kk,Hh,Ee πŸŽ‚πŸͺβ€οΈπŸ³

Primary 2 had so much fun exploring their new Jolly Phonics sounds this week. Some of their practical learning included:

  • Playing a game of dominoes with pictures beginning with c and k.
  • Forming the letter Ee on the elephant.
  • Identifying pictures that begin with Hh. For example: house, hose, heart.

Modelled Writing: Making a Gingerbread Man!

Continuing our exploration of instructional writing this week we explored making gingerbread men using orange playdough! We focused specifically on the ‘bossy’ verbs we can use to help people follow instructions such as, ‘put,’ ‘place,’ and ‘add.’ The boys and girls gave excellent input and produced brilliant gingerbread men!

Jolly Phonics: Pp, Ii, Nn πŸŽƒπŸπŸ’…

The boys and girls loved exploring our sounds of the week practically and worked together brilliantly to complete tasks related to our sounds! Fantastic work everyone! 

Problem Solving Activity: Making Toast 🍞🧈

As part of our instructional writing topic P2A were very excited to make toast! This week we focused on the sequence of instructions, thinking carefully about which steps should come first. We learned that we can use time connectives such as, ‘first,’ ‘next,’ and ‘then’ to structure our writing. Some of the boys and girls had not made toast on their own before, so it was a real learning experience for all! Well done! 

Familiarisation Stage: Instructional Writing

To familiarize ourselves with our new writing topic, ‘instructions,’ the children used the story of ‘The Three Little Pigs.’ The boys and girls were introduced to prepositional language and were tasked with following instructions from Ms Polly. Some of the instructions included "place the pig on top of the straw house" and "put the wolf below the brick house" helping the children develop their understanding of how to follow and give clear directions!

SAT Sorting!

Jolly Phonics: Ss, Aa,Tt πŸ“πŸŽπŸ…

This week, P2 had a fantastic time revising their Jolly Phonics sounds Ss, Aa, and Tt through fun, hands-on learning activities.

🌸The children traced the letter Ss in the sand.

🌸 They practiced forming Aa on apple cut-outs.

🌸P2 especially loved practising writing Tt on tooth cut-outs before using toothbrushes to clean them!

These activities helped reinforce their phonics knowledge and helped to show what amazing learners our P2 class are!

This is Me! 

This week in Primary Two Literacy, we began by exploring self-portraits. Using mirrors, P2 carefully drew themselves, focusing on proper pencil grip. They also practiced writing their names, making an effort to form each letter accurately. It was a great start to developing both artistic and writing skills.