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WALT: Use varied division language to explore dividing into equal groups.

P5 have been exploring division this week in Numeracy. They tried it practically first, using counters to try division equations on their whiteboards. We discussed the importance of counting carefully to make equal groups. Our next step will be working on abstract equations to link multiplication and division facts. 


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IZAK 9 Problem Solving

P5 have been focusing on the area of following patterns in our problem solving this term. We have used the IZAK 9 cubes to work out different patterns and complete the missing blocks. We used wonderful team working and decision making skills to solve the problems.


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Properties and types of Triangles

We have been learning about different types of triangles this week. The pupils used different equipment in the classroom to create equilateral, scalene, isosceles and right angled triangles and correctly label them, thinking about what properties each type of triangle has.


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Straight Lines

Today we were exploring vertical, horizontal and diagonal lines are and which lines different 2D shapes have in them by folding and highlighting the lines.


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Multiplication Facts

We have been focusing on different ways to work out the answers to the 6,7,8 and 9 times tables using various strategies. P5 have been completing different activity based learning and outdoor learning activities to practise quick recall of the multiplication facts.


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Area of Irregular Shapes

P5A have been drawing round various irregular shapes and using cm squares to count the area that the shapes cover.


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Multiplication Facts

This week in numeracy we have been exploring multiplication facts, and using other known multiplication facts to solve answers we don’t know. The children competed a treasure hunt, looking for the correct answers to find the hidden clue.


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Maths Week Ireland

P5 started off Maths Week with a bang by taking part in a live lesson that challenged them to solve a variety of problems. The problems were engaging and challenged the pupils to work together to come up with the answers, all while exploring different properties of shapes.


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Problem Solving

P5 have been learning to use diagrams to help them with their problem solving and investigations this term. They used pictures and moved them around to physically solve the tricky problem. 

A farmer must transport a fox, a goose, and some grain across a river. She has a boat which can only carry herself and one other thing. If the farmer is not present, the fox will eat the goose. If the goose and the grain are left together alone, the goose will eat the grain.

How many trips will it take?__________________________


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Mental Maths

For our mental maths focus, the pupils have been working hard on developing their times tables knowledge, particularly with the 3 and 4 times tables.


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2D Shape Hunt

P5 have been revising the properties of 2D shapes, we spent time searching around the school to find all the examples of 2D shapes.


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P5 have been working on our mental and written methods of subtraction. We used our outdoor classroom to partition our numbers into Hundreds, Tens and Units to help with our subtraction methods.


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Telling the time

P5 have been working on reading the analogue clock to 15 minute and 5 minute intervals using various methods of activity based learning, ipads and worksheets alongside making their own clocks.


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Venn and Carroll diagrams

We have been looking at Venn and Carroll diagrams as a way to classify Rainforest animals during our outdoor learning this week. We considered whether the animals are mammals, birds, fish, amphibians or reptiles. We also used the diagrams to sort which layer of the rainforest these animals live in.
The rainforest layers are:

  • forest floor
  • understorey
  • canopy
  • emergent


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Ordering and comparing numbers

We were finding different 2, 3 and 4 digit numbers outside like a treasure hunt. We then spent time in our outdoor classroom comparing and putting these numbers into ascending order.


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Place Value

P5 have been revising place value of numbers up to 10,000 using various practical materials.


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