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Exploring heavier than and lighter than:Making Scales

Number line Addition!

Adding 3 numbers using Numicon!

Amazing Addition 

Over the past few weeks Primary Two have practically explored addition within 20. The children have enjoyed playing games and using practical materials to reinforce the concept. They have used pictures, blocks and objects to help them add with ease. Some of the children are beginning to add mentally! Primary Two found using the ‘counting on’ strategy an effective way to add in their heads. Keep up the hard work P2!

🐞Ladybug Doubles🐞

The children had so much fun working together to play a ladybug doubles game this week. Doubles involves adding the same number to itself such as, 2 + 2 or 5 + 5. In the game, the children rolled the dice, identified the number, and doubled it by adding spots to their ladybug. Great doubling work!

Ordinal Numbers

Primary Two enjoyed an exciting activity on ordinal numbers where they searched for hidden animal cards around our school. Once the children found the animals, they had to determine what position they were in a line up. They worked all the way to the tenth position! Well done children!

Maths Week ABL🎃

Primary Two cerebrated Maths Week by engaging in lots of fun, Halloween themed ABL relating to our numbers to 20. Some of our activities included:

👻Putting the correct amount of goggly eyes on our monsters.

👻Making potions using specific amounts.

👻Ordering our number pumpkins in consecutive order.

Brilliant learning P2!

Count the Room: Halloween Edition 🎃👻

Primary Two loved exploring our Rainbow Garden this week in search of some Halloween characters! The children worked in pairs to find the Halloween pictures which were hidden throughout the space and then had to very carefully count how many there were. The boys and girls worked with numbers all the way up to 20! Fantastic P2!

Problem Solving:Spotting a Pattern🧦

This week P2 enjoyed using their problem solving strategy, spotting a pattern, to help Winnie the Witch sort her socks! The boys and girls were faced with some challenging problems such as:

🧹Winnie has 6 socks, how many pairs is this?

🧹 If she has 4 pairs, how many socks are there altogether?

🧹Why can Winnie not pair 9 socks?

The children demonstrated fantastic problem-solving skills and really helped Winnie the Witch out! Well done P2!

2D Shape Carroll Diagram🟡🟪

As we further explored 2D Shape we investigated Carroll Diagrams this week. The boys and girls sorted their shapes to one criterion under the categories: square and not square. They worked together excellently to sort the shapes and complete the Carroll. Well done children! 

Odd and Even Numbers

Primary Two learned all about odd and even numbers this week. We discovered that:

An even number is a number that can be divided into to equal groups. An odd number is a number that cannot be divided into equal groups.

The boys and girls had lots of fun exploring this concept through outdoor learning and ABL.

P2B are 2D Shape Detectives🔵🔷🔺

P2 embarked on an exciting 2D shape hunt this week using their special shape magnifying glasses around the school. The boys and girls explored different areas, searching for shapes like circles, squares, and triangles hidden in everyday objects. The boys and girls discovered lots of shapes in their natural surroundings and thoroughly enjoyed this activity! Well done P2!

Colin the Caterpillar Number Sequences to 10!🐛

Numbers to 10 ABL

The boys and girls loved exploring numbers to ten through active learning (ABL) this week. Some of the activities included:

🌸Creating number chain backpacks.
🌸 Building number tower towns.
🌸 Putting the correct amount of teddies on the school bus.
🌸 Sorting the correct number of crayons into packets.

Well done P2!

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Sweet Paterns 🍬

To celebrate Roald Dahl Day, the children used sweets to create patterns like **ABAB** and **AAABBB**. This fun activity helped them practice pattern-making and problem solving!

Numbers to 10

This week, Primary Two warmed up their brains with a Number Find It game. Miss Walsh showed the children a number on a ten frame, and they worked in pairs to identify the number representation. The adults were very impressed with how well the children retained their knowledge of numbers up to 10.