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Mental Health Week

This week we focused in on the different feelings we might feel, positive and negative. We talked about how we can sometimes feel sad, angry, frustrated and anxious and as a class we discussed what we might do if we are feeling his way. We read a range of stories which focus on our different emotions, but our main focus was on a firm favourite in our class, 'The Colour Monster'. We each painted and decorated a Colour Monster puppet and had a chat about what their facial expression might be depending on their colour. We spoke about why they might be that colour and what we could do to help them if they are blue, red or black!

We Celebrated Odd Socks Day!

Be the 'i' in Kind!

The Perfect Fit

We read a story about a triangle looking for a place in the world to fit in, where everyone matches and looks the same as her. When she finally finds what she is looking for, she realises there are things she misses from all of the different shapes she's met along the way. This story taught the children the importance of celebrating what makes each of us unique!

Green Choices and Red Choices

In our first few weeks of school we talked about our new classroom rules and the expectations the adults have in terms of positive behaviour and friendship. We discussed the difference between green choices and red choices and then worked together to sort them. These conversations will set us up for an amazing year in Primary 2!