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PDMU/RSE & Grow In Love


Flourish Lesson 1 - Growing and Changing

Rights Day 2- Recognising our caregivers!

Celebrating our uniqueness on Odd Sock Day!🧦

Anti-Bullying Week: Be the ‘I’ in kind!

Stick and Stone

Primary Two loved reading the story ‘stick and stone’ to celebrate anti-bullying week. ‘Stick and Stone’ tells the story of a lonely tree branch and rock that find friendship together. The story encouraged the children to have important discussions around friendship and being kind to others. P2 then found their very own sticks and stones which they decorated and gave to a loved one with the message ‘I always stick by my friends because being a good friend rocks!’ Well done P2! What amazing friends you are!

The Tiny Seed 🌸

Primary Two read a beautiful story this week called ‘The Tiny Seed.’ This is the story of how a tiny seed travels from its parent plant and blows across seas, deserts and mountains, braving many hazards along the way, before finally finding a place to settle and grow into a beautiful flower so that the story can start again. P2 learned that just like the little seed, we all have the potential to grow and achieve great things!

P2B’s Amazing Class Charter! 🔴⚪️⚫️

P2 have been very busy the first few weeks of term developing their class charter! We decided to base our class charter around on of our favourite books, The Dot, which is a story all about developing a ‘can-do’ attitude. Primary Two even created their very own dots which were all added together to create a beautiful masterpiece! We thought carefully about the rights we wanted to display in our charter and have all committed to trying to uphold them in our classroom! 

Sad and Happy Choices 

Having spent a year in school, Primary Two have learned a lot about making red and green choices. This week, Miss Walsh was particularly impressed as the children discussed and sorted examples of happy and sad choices. Each student has now committed to doing their best to make safe, positive choices in the classroom, helping to protect everyone's right to learn!