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Gaelic Skill 2: The Punt Kick

This week Oisin taught the children how to make a punt kick. Oisin had high praise for P3A as he said he was very impressed with their ability to punt kick the ball. 🤩

Ball Games: Lesson 2 - Passing the ball to someone in a space.

Today in PE, the pupils were learning how to look up and pass a ball to someone in a free space. They were encouraged to move around, keeping an eye out for their friends, before stopping to find their spot. They had a blast during their second game of Superhero! This week, with a better grasp of the rules, they remembered to freeze once they caught the ball and then pass it to a teammate to score. It's fantastic to see the boys and girls enjoying it so much that they've even asked to play during break and lunchtime!

Ball Games - Lesson 1: Moving into a space in a game.

In our latest PE lesson, the pupils were learning to move quickly into a space to catch a ball, enhancing their agility and teamwork. They were encouraged to search for an open space, ensuring that the thrower could see them easily. The pupils were full of excitement as they enjoyed their first game of Superhero, a fantastic way to engage them in physical activity. One of the main rules of Superhero is that a player cannot run or move with the ball; instead, to get it to the Superhero, the children must pass to each other. What a brilliant session we had, we cannot wait for next week's lesson!

Gaelic Skill 1: Hand pass

During our first skills session Oisin focused on teaching the children how to hand pass. The children were all really engaged and eager to learn. They carried out lots of practise of this skill as we try to improve in preparation for a P3 Blitz!

Team Games: Team work makes the dream work!

The pupils took on the challenge of passing a hoop from one side of a line to the other while holding hands. It started off a bit tricky as they struggled to coordinate their movements without letting go, but with some clear communication and a bit of practice, they began to find their rhythm and success followed! The enjoyment didn't stop there; they also had great fun playing 'Gather the Treasure', where teamwork really was the name of the game. It was fantastic to see the camaraderie and laughter as everyone joined in, creating a wonderful sense of community.

Gymnastics - Lesson 4: Bunny Hop

Today, we had a brilliant time mastering the bunny hop! The pupils practiced static bunny hops first. They really got the hang of it! After that, we moved on to bunny hopping from one position to another, which was a lot of fun. The pupils were reminded of the key points to keep in mind: hands first, then feet, with your head up and flat hands. It was great to see the pupils improving their technique and gaining confidence with each hop. Keep up the excellent work, everyone!

Gymnastics - Lesson 3: Balance

The pupils had a fantastic time practicing their balancing skills on various parts of their bodies. They gradually worked towards executing a balance sequence, moving smoothly from one position to the next while keeping their toes pointed. It was great to see the pupils remain mindful of the space around them, ensuring they had full control over their movements. Overall, it was a fun and engaging session that really highlighted the importance of balance and body awareness in gymnastics.

Gymnastics - Lesson 2: Jumps and Rolls

Today's lesson began with a recap of the gymnastic body shapes and positions we learnt last week. Next the pupils were introduced to movement with control and body tension through gymnastic jumps and rolls. The rolls we focused on were T-Roll, Dish/Arch roll and Star Forward roll. The class then progressed onto a sequence where the pupils started in a gymnastic position, rolled across the floor, and ended in another gymnastic pose. Their enthusiasm was infectious, making it a truly enjoyable session for everyone involved!

Gymnastics - Lesson 1: Body Shapes and Positions

In our very first gymnastics lesson, pupils learnt to perform a shape with a strong body and control. The pupils were introduced to various gymnastic body shapes and positions, including pike, star, squat, straddle, tuck, arch, dish, and straight. It was fantastic to see the pupils enjoying themselves as they moved seamlessly from one position to another!

Fitness - Lesson 5

This week P3A participated in a circuit of individual exercises. This week's focus was to challenge yourself at each station.  We discussed the importance of regular exercise. From age ­five and over, children need to exercise for an average of at least 60 minutes per day across the week. You don't need to do one activity for an hour. You can spread your activity throughout the day. Remember if you play football or exercise at breaktime this counts towards your 60 minute exercise a day!

Fitness - Lesson 4

This week P3A participated in a circuit of individual exercises. This week's focus was to try to develop strength at each station. We learned that a person will breathe more quickly during exercise so that their lungs can breathe in the oxygen their body needs and then get rid of the carbon dioxide produced through exercise.

Fitness - Lesson 3

This week P3A participated in a circuit of individual exercises. This week's focus was to try to improve your technique at each station. We completed some fantastic fitness activities in PE today taking into account spatial awareness and patterns of movement. We understand that regular physical activity is essential to maintain good physical and mental health.

Fitness - Lesson 2

This week P3A participated in a circuit of individual exercises. This week's focus was to try to beat your personal best. We discussed the meaning of the terms 'Heart rate' and 'Pulse'. We also discussed how our heart helps pump blood around our body and our lungs help get oxygen to our muscles. 

Fitness - Lesson 1

This week P3A participated in a circuit of individual exercises. This week's focus was to keep control while performing exercises. We discussed the importance of pace of movement to improve control of our muscles.

Indoor Athletics - 🏃🏼‍♂️‍➡️  Lesson 1 🏃🏻‍♀️

This week we joined with P3B for indoor athletics. Six stations were set up for the children to rotate around in groups. We worked on our ability to chest pass a ball, practised aiming at a designated target, long jump, triple jump, standing jump and skipping with hoops. We will continue to work on improving our skills in each of these areas in our next session. 


On our first trip to the Ballymote Centre for PE we took some time to practise listening skills and teamwork. Skills that the children would need to use effectively throughout our PE sessions. The children had lots of fun using the parachute to play a variety of team games including ‘Mushroom’, ‘Making Waves’, ‘All Change’, and ‘Popcorn’. We then played some team ball games which really got heartbeats racing.