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Right's Day Celebrations

During our previous Right's Day children explored Article 24, which highlights that all children have the right to healthcare. We then launched a campaign to improve children's healthcare both on a local and global level. Children created posters and went on protest rallies to raise awareness of current issues effecting children accessing effective healthcare. They also wrote letters and created PowerPoint presentations and animations to raise their concerns to local MLA's and world leaders. We were then very lucky to have a visit from Colin McGrath SDLP, whom many of the children wrote to. The children shared their work with him and then put him in the hot seat by asking him lots of tough questions about Northern Ireland's healthcare for children and the effect the cost of living crisis is having on children's health. The children very much enjoyed the chance to share their learning with Colin McGrath and were left assured that he would continue to raise and act on the concerns and suggestions they had made to ensure that children's right to health is upheld. Thank you to Colin for taking the time to come and meet with the children and be part of our campaign.

This week in St Colmcille's we took part in our third rights day by creating a whole school campaign for better healthcare for children locally and globally! We focused on Article 24 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, which outlines that all children have the right to health. In foundation stage and Key Stage 1 children looked at how well our government is ensuring that children's right to health is upheld locally. They discussed and debated what is going well and what needs to improve. They then created posters, went on protests walks and wrote letters to local MLA's to ask for change! Mr Colin McGrath, SDLP MLA will be visiting children next week to hear their opinions and discuss their concerns with them! Key Stage 2 children researched how children's right to health is upheld globally. They focused on a specific country and created videos, animations and wrote letters for the attention of world leaders to campaign for more equally in healthcare globally. The children worked extremely hard at completing their campaigns and we our looking forward to hearing back from some of our local MLAs and world leaders to hear how they will ensure the health of all children!