World Around Us & ECO
WALT: Understand what causes ocean pollution and how we can minimise pollution
In WAU this week, we looked at the nursery rhyme Jack and Jill. Mrs O’Hare showed children the nursery rhyme and discussed the pail of water in the story, asking questions such as: ‘Was the water dirty or clean?’, ‘What makes our water dirty?’. This led to a discussion about ocean pollution and we watched a presentation about the causes of water pollution and its impact on wildlife and the climate. To develop our learning, we removed unwanted items from the water tray outside. This was to teach us what materials are harmful to the sea and how we can make small changes to help minimise sea pollution
WALT: Make an autumnal garden
Inspired by the nursery rhyme, Mary Mary Quite Contrary, children in P1A made their own autumnal garden. Children discussed Autumnal wildlife with Mrs O’Hare and then went on a hunt to find some loose parts. As a group, we then made our own garden and learned and recited the nursery rhyme
WALT: Predict the outcome of an experiment
Our new WAU topic is Once Upon A Time. This week, we looked at the story of Humpty Dumpty and After the Fall. Children in P1A discussed Humpty Dumpty’s fall and conducted an experiment to see which material would have best protected Humpty Dumpty. Children in P1A predicted which material would best protect the egg and Mrs O’Hare threw he eggs from a height to find out
WALT: Learn about our senses and Autumn
We are learning about our senses and Autumn through a range of activities:
1. Autumn walk to spot signs of Autumn.
2. Reading Autumn stories
3. Making patterns (numeracy link) with Autumn leaves and loose parts.
4. Listening games for senses and Autumn sounds.
5. A feely bag game where children had to describe what they felt without seeing the item.
WALT: Understand our similarities and differences
We have been learning about what makes us similar and different to our peers through a range of activities:
1. Outdoor learning game where children stood on the tick or cross depending on whether you like or dislike.
2. Sorting game where children sorted what they liked/disliked in a Venn diagram.
3. Discussion on similarities and differences.
WALT: Learn about families and how every family is unique
We have ben learning about families through a range of activities:
1. Discussion about families and how each family is different.
2. Listening to songs about families.
3. Drawing our families.
WALT: Identify features of our face and bodies.οΏ½οΏ½
We have been learning about our face and bodies through a range of activities:
1. Building face out of play-doh and card.
2. Making faces out of loose parts.
3. Drawing selfies.
4. Painting hands and making hand prints.
5. Learning head shoulders knees and toes in Irish.
Marvellous meπ§π¦ Living things walk π¦πππͺ² This week, we went on a living things walk π³ The students learned all about living things and were able to identify living things and non-living things. Children then explored the outdoor learning areas to find and photograph living things π¦ Some children were even brave enough to hold a spider π·οΈ Well done P1A!
Marvellous me π§π¦ We have been enjoying outdoor learning this week, making faces with loose parts. Children have been learning all about themselves in our World Around Us topic ‘All about Me’.